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Title: Chocolate Factory: High School Lesson Plan
Url: http://flate.pbworks.com/w/page/58147210/HS%20Chocolate%20Factory
Publisher: Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing

This activity from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center uses two lessons centered around a chocolate factory to help students better understand the "general properties of melting points and emulsions." The first activity, intended for middle or high school students, asks the class reviews emulsion principles and theory before giving them a 'design problem' to guide them in the creation of a candy bar based on what they know about emulsions. A second activity, intended only for high school classes, asks students to compare the composition and melting time of several different kinds of chocolate. Both activities utilize group work and experimentation, and expect the class to report back with findings and recommendations. Materials for the first activity include a lesson plan, grading rubric, student worksheet, reference sheet, teacher answer sheet, and an instructional video. The second activity includes a lesson plan, grading rubric, student worksheet, and teacher answer sheet.

LC Classification: Technology -- Chemical technology -- Chemical engineering -- Special processes and operations, A-Z -- Emulsion
Technology -- Home economics -- Cookery -- Baking. Confectionery -- Recipes for special food products, A-Z -- Chocolate
GEM Subject: Science -- Chemistry
Key Concept: Chemistry -- Chemical properties
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Assessment Material -- Test
Instructional Material -- Student Guide
Instructional Material -- Instructor Guide/Manual
Instructional Material -- Experiment/Lab Activity
Format: Document -- DOC
Document -- PPT
Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School -- Grade 12
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Full Record Views: 22
Resource URL Clicks: 33
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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