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Title: Reactivity of Magnesium Metal for Biodegradable Medical Implants PDF
Url: https://materialseducation.org/educators/matedu-modules/docs/Reactivit...
Creator: Abraha, Aebeyo
Badve, Aditya
Collins, Boyce
Jang, Yongseok
Yun, Yeoheung
Publisher: Edmonds Community College

This learning activity will provide an opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking and research skills in chemistry by asking them to investigate corrosion rates of metals and draw conclusions from their experiments. Students will measure corrosion rates in specific alloys and apply their findings to real world issues, such as medical implants. This module is intended for high school students. The document is available to download in PDF file format.

LC Classification: Science -- Chemistry -- Study and teaching. Research -- Experiments
Technology -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) -- Materials of engineering and construction -- Physical properties -- Surface effects and tests -- Corrosion properties. Deterioration
GEM Subject: Science -- Chemistry
Science -- Engineering
Science -- Instructional issues
Key Concept: Chemistry -- Metals
Manufacturing -- Corrosion
Date Issued: 2013
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Instructor Guide/Manual
Instructional Material -- Experiment/Lab Activity
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School -- Grade 9
High School -- Grade 11
High School -- Grade 12
High School -- Grade 10
Language: English
Rights: Edmonds Community College
Access Rights: Free access
Full Record Views: 22
Resource URL Clicks: 18
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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