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Title: State University of New York at Stony Brook: Marine Biology Web
Url: https://you.stonybrook.edu/marinebio/
Publisher: Stony Brook University
Description: The Marine Biology Web, created by veteran marine biologist Dr. Jeff Levinton of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, is a great educational resource for both curious students and prospective marine biologists. The Becoming a Marine Biologist page gives students frank advice, and a realistic sense of what marine biology is and what marine biologists do. This website contains a sizeable list of hyperlinked marine labs, institutes, graduate programs, and undergraduate programs. A nice list of marine biology-related internships and courses are included as well. The website also features the useful MBREF�-A Reference Source for Marine Biology Student Research. The site even links to a system that allows visitors �to obtain tidal predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 3000 water level stations.�
LC Classification: Bibliography. Library science. Information resources (General) -- Subject bibliography -- Biology -- Special topics, A-Z -- Marine biology
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Natural history (General) -- Geographical distribution. Biogeography. Phylogeography -- Physiographic divisions -- Water. Aquatic biology -- Marine biology -- Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Natural history (General) -- Geographical distribution. Biogeography. Phylogeography -- Physiographic divisions -- Water. Aquatic biology -- Marine biology -- Directories
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Natural history (General) -- Geographical distribution. Biogeography. Phylogeography -- Physiographic divisions -- Water. Aquatic biology -- Marine biology -- Study and teaching. Research -- General works
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Biology
Science -- Oceanography
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material -- Course
Reference Material -- Bibliography
Format: Document -- HTML
Education Level: Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 200
Resource URL Clicks: 26
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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