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Title: Soil Use and Management
Url: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/conservation-basics/natural-resource-concern...
Publisher: United States. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Description: This site is part of the US Department of Agriculture\'s Natural Resource\'s Conservation Service, providing state-of-the-art soil survey technology, standards, data, and expertise. This site covers soil quality, hydric and urban soils, facts and figures for the United States, and a number of world, national and thematic maps.
LC Classification: Agriculture -- Agriculture (General) -- Soils. Soil science
Agriculture -- Agriculture (General) -- Soils. Soil science -- Alkali lands. Saline soil. Sodic soil
Agriculture -- Agriculture (General) -- Soils. Soil science -- Soil classification -- By order, great group, family, etc., A-Z -- Hydric soils. Hydromorphic soils
Agriculture -- Agriculture (General) -- Soils. Soil science -- Soil classification -- By order, great group, family, etc., A-Z -- Urban soils
Agriculture -- Forestry -- Forest soils -- Soil erosion and conservation
Technology -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Special types of environment -- Soil pollution. Soil remediation -- Particular pollutants, A-Z -- Hazardous wastes. Hazardous substances
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Earth science
Social studies
Science -- Physical sciences
Social studies -- Geography
Resource Type: Collection
Format: Document -- HTML
Education Level: High School
Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: DLESE
Full Record Views: 30
Resource URL Clicks: 20
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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