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Title: Arctic Studies Center
Url: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/research/anthropology/programs/arctic-st...
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution
Description: Explore this virtual museum exhibit on Arctic cultures from the Smithsonian Institution. Lessons for every discipline including anthropology, archeology, biology. Downloadable publications include the center's newsletter, field reports, and staff research. Resources include FAQs and a glossary. Educator resources available (complimentary and cost-associated). Current features include a Viking exhibit, complete with artifacts, and a Yup'ik Masks exhibit, complete with audio and video. Includes information and photos of Arctic wildlife and Arctic peoples. Information on the St. Lawrence Gateways Project.
LC Classification: Bibliography. Library science. Information resources (General) -- Subject bibliography -- Anthropology and ethnology -- Special topics, A-Z -- Ainu
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation -- Anthropology
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation -- Anthropology -- Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology -- Cultural traits, customs, and institutions -- Technology. Material culture -- Clothing and adornment -- Masks
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation -- Anthropology -- Prehistoric archaeology -- By region or country -- Arctic regions (General)
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation -- Geography (General) -- Arctic and Antarctic Regions
History (General) -- Northern Europe. Scaninavia -- History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia -- History -- By period -- Earliest to 1387. Scandinavian Empire -- Northmen. Vikings
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Natural history (General) -- Geographical distribution. Biogeography. Phylogeography -- Topographical divisions -- Arctic regions
GEM Subject: Science -- Biological and life sciences
Science -- Earth science
Social studies -- Geography
Social studies -- History
Social studies -- Instructional issues
Social studies -- World history
Key Concept: Geography -- Cultural patterns
Geography -- Cultural regions
Geography -- Folk culture
Ecology -- Arctic tundra
Resource Type: Collection
Reference Material
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Demonstration
Instructional Material -- Interactive Simulation
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Middle School
Higher Education
Elementary School
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Language: English
Rights: Smithsonian Institution
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: DLESE
Full Record Views: 33
Resource URL Clicks: 57
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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