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Title: Revealing the Ocean's Invisible Abundance
Url: https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/revealing-the-oceans-invisible-ab...
Creator: Gast, Rebecca
Publisher: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Description: This Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Oceanus article provides a brief overview of microbial communities, microbial sampling procedures in ocean environments, and equipment used for sampling. It features a list of important acronyms related to U.S. ocean observation systems which are hyperlinked to each respective site as well as links to related pages and a link to a slideshow of protists.
LC Classification: Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Ecology -- By type of environment, A-Z -- Sea. Marine ecology. Ocean ecology
Science -- Zoology -- Geographical distribution -- Physiographic divisions -- Water -- Ocean -- Animal ecology of the ocean
GEM Subject: Science -- Oceanography
Science -- Biological and life sciences
Key Concept: Oceanography -- Ecosystem dynamics
Date Issued: 2004-10-25
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Microbial Life
Full Record Views: 20
Resource URL Clicks: 11
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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