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Title: Cooperative Group Problem Solving
Url: https://groups.spa.umn.edu/physed/Research/CGPS/CGPSintro.htm
Publisher: University of Minnesota
Description: Students in introductory physics courses typically begin to solve a problem by plunging into the algebraic and numerical solution -- they search for and manipulate equations, plugging numbers into the equations until they find a combination that yields an answer (e.g. the plug-and-chug strategy). They seldom use their conceptual knowledge of physics to qualitatively analyze the problem situation, nor do they systematically plan a solution before they begin numerical and algebraic manipulations of equations. When they arrive at an answer, they are usually satisfied -- they rarely check to see if the answer makes sense. To help students integrate the conceptual and procedural aspects of problem solving so they could become better problem solvers, we introduced a structured, five-step problem solving strategy.
LC Classification: Science -- Physics -- Study and teaching. Research
GEM Subject: Science -- Physics
Key Concept: Physics
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: comPADRE
Full Record Views: 2
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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