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Title: Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics
Url: https://constitution.org/1-Education/liberlib.htm
Creator: Roland, Jon
Publisher: Constitution.org
Description: The Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics is a treasure trove of political primary documents that have influenced the U.S. government as well as many other countries with Republican forms of government around the world. The site makes available documents online it a variety of formats, each format is given a symbol the user can then choose which format (html, pdf, word, etc) they would prefer. The primary documents range from the Code of Hammurabi (c.1780 BCE), to Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (1849). The documents are arranged chronologically to make searching simple. Students will find this site especially useful and perhaps even a cost effective way of accessing documents for class readings or research. Instructors will also enjoy the easy access to these sources. The site also contains links to other collections including, U.S. State Constitutions, National Constitutions (from around the world), and Landmark Court Decisions.
LC Classification: Political science -- Political institutions and public administration (General) -- Political institutions and public administration (General) -- General. Comparative government -- General works. History
GEM Subject: Social studies
Social studies -- United States history
Social studies -- United States government
Social studies -- Civics
Social studies -- United States Constitution
Social studies -- World history
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Document -- DOC
Audience: Educator
Language: English
Rights: Constitution.org
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Staff
Full Record Views: 8
Resource URL Clicks: 9
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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