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Title: Oral Health Care for Persons with Disabilities
Url: https://paul-burtner.dental.ufl.edu/oral-health-care-for-persons-with-...
Creator: Burtner, Paul
Publisher: University of Florida. College of Dentistry
Description: Across the web, online courses and educational materials are becoming increasingly common, and a number of universities have helped lead the way with several well-publicized initiatives. Developed by Professor Paul Burtner of the University of Florida, this site presents an online course on oral health care for persons with disabilities that will be useful to professionals in the field who are hoping to brush up and expand their own professional and vocational knowledge base. By clicking on the "begin course" section, users can begin looking through the materials here and moving through them at their own pace. The course includes an introduction to understanding various disabilities and how these might affect the creation of effective dental treatment plans. Finally, the site also includes a nice glossary and a selection of external links to other useful sites.
LC Classification: Medicine -- Dentistry
Medicine -- Dentistry -- By age group, class, etc., A-Z -- Handicapped
Medicine -- Dentistry -- Dentistry as a profession. Dental hygiene as a profession
Medicine -- Dentistry -- Study and teaching
GEM Subject: Health
Vocational Education
Health -- Body systems and senses
Vocational Education -- Allied health occupations
Vocational Education -- Instructional issues
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Rights: Paul Burtner
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Staff
Full Record Views: 9
Resource URL Clicks: 23
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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