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Title: History of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Url: https://lib.uw.edu/specialcollections/collections/exhibits/tnb/
Publisher: University of Washington.
Description: This website from the University of Washington Libraries highlights their special collection on the history of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The pages include images and text detailing "the story of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge from the inception to the reopening of a reconstructed bridge in 1950." Text sources are listed in the bibliography section. Photos of the collapse as well as the reconstruction provide a unique view of bridge construction.
LC Classification: History (America) -- United States local history -- District of Columbia. Washington -- Localities, etc. -- Streets. Bridges. Railroads
Social sciences -- Transportation and communications -- Traffic engineering -- Bridges -- By region or country -- United States -- By region or state, A-Z
Social sciences -- Transportation and communications -- Traffic engineering -- Bridges -- By region or country -- United States -- Other local and individual bridges, A-Z
Technology -- Bridge engineering -- Special types of bridges -- Suspension bridges
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Engineering
Arts -- Architecture
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 12
Resource URL Clicks: 39
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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