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Title: New Buildings Institute PDF
Url: https://newbuildings.org/
Publisher: New Buildings Institute, Inc.
Description: The New Buildings Institute promotes "energy efficiency in buildings through policy development, research, guidelines and codes." Substantial information about lighting, architecture, and mechanical systems is available on the institute's homepage. The online reports, tools, and suggested practices come from a variety of sources, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the institute itself. A large section of the Web site that can easily be overlooked contains many additional resources about the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program. A brief, free registration is required to access certain online publications, such as the 2003 edition of Advanced Lighting Guidelines.
LC Classification: Fine arts -- Architecture -- Architectural design
Fine arts -- Architecture -- Architectural design -- General works
Technology -- Building construction -- Details in building design and construction -- General works
Technology -- Building construction -- Heating and ventilation
Technology -- Building construction -- Heating and ventilation -- Heating of buildings
Technology -- Building construction -- Heating and ventilation -- Ventilation of buildings
GEM Subject: Arts -- Architecture
Vocational Education -- Trade and industrial
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Language: English
Rights: © 2002 New Buildings Institute, Inc.
Access Rights: Free access with registration
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 6
Resource URL Clicks: 34
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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