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Title: Social Science Research Network PDF
Alternate Title: http://www.ssrn.com/en/
Url: https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/
Publisher: Social Science Electronic Publishing
Description: Provided by Social Science Electronic Publishing (SSEP), this site allows users to freely access thousands of abstracts and full-text research papers. The core of the site is the SSRN Electronic Library, which contains an Abstract Database with over 15,600 entries and an Electronic Paper Collection, which currently contains over 4,200 full-text papers. Users can search title, abstract, and author fields, or browse the journals, which are grouped under the five respective Research Networks that form the SSRN: Accounting, Economics, Latin American, Financial, and Legal Scholarship. Within each journal entry, users may select from several display options to narrow their results and available full-text documents are indicated by a special symbol. Information on each of the five networks, including conference and job announcements, as well as information on subscribing and a list of site licenses, is accessible via a menu panel on the left side of the main page. According to SSEP, access to the abstracts and full-text papers will remain free of charge to all users until \"the next revision to the web site this winter.\"
LC Classification: Social sciences -- Commerce -- Business -- Accounting. Bookkeeping
Social sciences -- Commerce -- Business -- Accounting. Bookkeeping -- General works
Social sciences -- Commerce -- Business -- Accounting. Bookkeeping -- Study and teaching. Research
Social sciences -- Commerce -- Business education. Commercial education
GEM Subject: Mathematics
Mathematics -- Applied mathematics
Social studies
Social studies -- Economics
Vocational Education
Vocational Education -- Business
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Language: English
Rights: Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 10
Resource URL Clicks: 20
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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