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Title: University of Aarhus, Denmark-The Biological Institute: MycoKey-Fungi of Ecuador
Url: http://www.mycokey.com/Ecuador.html
Publisher: University of Aarhus.
Description: This Fungi of Ecuador website shares results from a fungal biodiversity research project conducted by mycologists Thomas Laess�e, of the University of Copenhagen, and Jens H. Petersen, of the University of Aarhus. The site offers a Collections Database with search fields for species, collector, herbarium, locality, and more. The site's Taxon Database allows visitors to search for trophic strategy, systematic group, form group, and name. The site also provides a collection of beautiful photographs that can be located by either an index or database search engine. Notably, the site offers an extensive list of relevant literature spanning the past 100 years. In addition, the site contains selected links and also a couple photos of a simple cardboard dryer, with brief notes about drying specimens in the tropics.
LC Classification: Science -- Botany -- Cryptogams -- Fungi -- Special topics, A-Z -- Identification
Science -- Botany -- Cryptogams -- Fungi -- Study and teaching. Research
Science -- Botany -- Geographical distribution. Phytogeography -- Topographical divisions -- America -- Latin America -- South America -- Ecuador
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Biological and life sciences
Key Concept: Ecology -- Fungi
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Rights: Thomas Læssøe & Jens H. Petersen
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 10
Resource URL Clicks: 8
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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