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Title: Evolution Resources From the National Academies PDF
Url: https://www.nationalacademies.org/evolution
Publisher: National Academies (U.S.)
Description: Science teachers at high schools and colleges will be glad to learn about the wide range of materials on the subject of evolution that are available on this very fine website. The site is maintained by the National Academies, and the resources here are divided into sections that include "Reports", "Statements", "Research Papers on Evolution", and "Academies' Articles". In the "Reports" area, visitors will find a handful of full-length topical reports that deal with evolution in Hawaii and the very popular, "Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science". Moving on, the research papers offered here include scholarly papers on the future of evolution and retrospectives on previous research done in the field of evolution. The site is rounded out by links to other relevant resources, such as the homepage of the National Center for Science Education and a PBS online course that addresses teaching evolution.
LC Classification: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation -- Anthropology -- Physical anthropology. Somatology -- Human evolution
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Evolution
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Evolution -- Study and teaching. Research
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Biological and life sciences
Science -- General science
Science -- Instructional issues
Science -- Natural history
Key Concept: Biology -- Evolution
Ecology -- Evolution
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Language: English
Rights: National Academy of Sciences
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 14
Resource URL Clicks: 44
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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