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Title: Ask A Biologist
Url: https://askabiologist.asu.edu
Publisher: Arizona State University. School of Life Sciences
Description: From Arizona State University's School of Life Sciences comes Ask A Biologist, which offers a plethora of resources for teaching and learning biology. The Scout Report initially featured this resource in 2004 when this website offered students and teachers the opportunity to submit a biology-related question for volunteer scientists to answer. Thirteen years later, Ask A Biologist still offers this service, but has also greatly expanded its collection of educational resources for K-12 classrooms and out-of-school learning spaces. These resources include interactive activities such as the Bird Finder (which allows users to enter details about a particular bird in order to identify it) and a number of online games. The Stories section features kid-friendly readings (in various languages) about a number of topics as well as guides to help young scientists learn how to read scientific articles. These guides include the PLOSable Biology series that provides guides to help students better understand recently published PLOS stories, including background information and key vocabulary. Educators may want to start exploring this resources by checking out the Teacher Toolkit, which curates some of the site's most popular resources for instructors, including readings, flashcards, and hands-on experiments.
LC Classification: Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General)
GEM Subject: Science -- Biology
Key Concept: Biology
Resource Type: Collection
Audience: Educator
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 42
Resource URL Clicks: 63
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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