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Title: Three-D Earth Structure Model
Url: https://web.ics.purdue.edu/~braile/edumod/threedearth/threedearth.htm
Creator: Braile, Larry
Braile, Sheryl J.
Publisher: Purdue University
Description: In this activity by Larry and Sheryl Braile, students construct a model of the Earth's interior to help them visualize its main regions (inner core, outer core, mantle, crust) and practice their problem solving and math skills. They will also calculate the volumes of each region. The two options for conducting the activity are followed by seven enrichment questions and step-by-step instructions for making baker's clay.
LC Classification: Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Earth movements. Mass movements -- Juvenile works
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth -- Core
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth -- Core-mantle boundary
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth -- General works
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth -- Mantle
Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth -- Temperature
GEM Subject: Science -- Earth science
Science -- Geology
Key Concept: Astronomy -- Earth
Geology -- Crust
Geology -- Mantle
Geology -- Core
Mathematics -- Volume
Date Issued: 2006-03-15
Resource Type: Dataset -- List/Table
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Middle School
Higher Education
Elementary School
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Rights: L. Braile
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: DLESE
Full Record Views: 55
Resource URL Clicks: 36
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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