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Title: National Science Foundation: Resources for STEM Education
Url: http://www.nsfresources.org/topic_IM.html
Publisher: National Science Foundation (U.S.)
Description: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has created this useful set of resources related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for educators and others interested in these fields. Here visitors can look over the resources, which include full-text books, pamphlets, and an interactive website. First up is the book "Worms, Shadows, and Whirlpools," which represents a new way to think about science education for young children. Another resource, "World Watcher," is a website that offers a "supportive scientific visualization environment for the investigation of scientific data." Finally, the site also has a link to the innovative "Whyville" site. This site was created by James Bower of the California Institute of Technology to create a place where tweens can engage as virtual citizens in a safe online community community, create their own avatars, and also hang out with others interested in science, civics, government, and more. For many more high-quality resources, click on See All and the bottom of the page.
LC Classification: Bibliography. Library science. Information resources (General) -- Subject bibliography -- Education -- Special topics, A-Z -- Engineering education
Science -- Mathematics -- Study and teaching. Research
Science -- Science (General) -- Study and teaching
Technology -- Technology (General) -- Industrial engineering -- Study and teaching
GEM Subject: Science -- Engineering
Mathematics -- Instructional issues
Science -- Technology
Science -- Instructional issues
Date Issued: 2011
Resource Type: Collection
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Demonstration
Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan
Instructional Material -- Instructor Guide/Manual
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Language: English
Rights: TERC
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 14
Resource URL Clicks: 2
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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