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Created by artist Melissa Tomlinson Newell and mathematician Deann Leoni, this page presents lecture-studio courses in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional design. These courses allow students to explore elements and...
Elementary bifurcation theory is topic is rarely included in traditional differential equations courses, yet it is of crucial importance in many engineering applications. In the Boston University Differential Equations...
Click on a spirolateral in one of these galleries to display a full-size version; see a self-running demonstration of a variety of spirolaterals, or generate one of your own and see all the reversals. "The Art of...
The introduction to this intriguing exercise and article begins "If a ball bounces an infinite number of times, it must take an infinite amount of time to finish bouncing!" This piece appeared in The Journal of Online...
An investigation of the problem: Consider a plane, ruled with equidistant parallel lines, where the distance between the lines is D. A needle of length L is tossed onto the plane. What is the probability that the needle...
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