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(19 resources)
In 1985 an experiment, designed to unravel the carbon chemistry in red giant stars, revealed the existence of C60 or buckminsterfullerene (a special form of carbon, known also as bucky balls). This video lecture...
These web pages, authored by Nick Strobel, contain material explaining Einstein's general and special theories of relativity. Gravity and warped spacetime are included, along with explanations of the impact on...
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental organization comprised of 14 member countries. Its headquarters are in Germany, but they have three observatories in Chile as well. Their website is loaded...
This resource describes special properties of light that can help us to understand objects that are millions and billions of light years away. Students explore some of these properties and how they can use them to...
Hyperphysics is "a broad-ranging interactive physics exploration environment which is written in HTML with Javascript calculation routines." It was developed by Professor Rod Nave of Georgia State University and is...
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