Smoke in a Bottle

Nathan Flores

Lesson Description

How are complete and incomplete combustion different? How do the products affect us?

Students will develop models to show that molecules are made of different kinds, proportions, and quantities of atoms. We’ll emphasize the understanding that there are differences between atoms and molecules and that certain combinations of atoms form specific molecules. Examples of simple molecules could include water (H2O), atmospheric oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Next, students will construct an explanation for how the availability of natural resources, the occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate affect human activity. Examples of natural resources could include access to fresh water, clean air, or regions of fertile soil. Examples of factors that affect human activity could include that rising sea levels cause humans to move farther from the coast, or that humans build railroads to transport mineral resources from one location to another.

Performance Expectations
Students should ask questions and analyze data related to the use of wood, a solid fuel, compared to gas fuel or renewable energy sources such as solar or wind. The cause and effect of the combustion of various fuels will be compared.


6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade