Neurobiology Learning Objects

Animated Modules for Instructional Use by Faculty (and Students)

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The term "learning object" is used to refer to an instructional module of limited didactic scope that is designed be re-used by different instructors in different instructional contexts. This Learning Object website, a component the Veterinary Anatomy Web Site at the University of Minnesota, gives faculty (and students) access to neurobiology modules that feature animation (Flash .swf content) to enhance interest and didactic impact.

By clicking the above links, modules can be viewed on-line. Some modules display a DOWNLOAD link for copying the module to a local hard disc via FTP file transfer. The downloaded module is represented by a folder that contains two files plus another folder. Click the "Begin.html" file to run the module. The "ReadMe" file is a plain text document that states: the parent folder may be stored anywhere on your hard disc and even be renamed, but the contents of the folder must not be altered.