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(3 classifications) (1108 resources)

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The Active Galaxies pop-up book is a very large rectangular pop-up book with foldouts that was developed for use in classrooms for grades 5 and up and for special needs audiences. Active galaxies, a major scientific...
A unit on nutrition, with charts that tell why one eats as well as what one should eat. Each class of food has a definite function; over fifty nutrients are needed for good health and they have been divided into six...
A community dedicated to high-quality mathematics instruction at the adult level. ANN conducts pre-conferences at the annual NCTM national meetings; publishes the Math Practitioner Newsletter; sponsors the Numeracy List,...
An international research forum bringing together researchers and practitioners in adult mathematics/numeracy teaching and learning in order to promote the learning of mathematics by adults. Biannual listing for...
This is a 3:15 minute video on YouTube. It shows a set of high school students assigned to a manufacturing project that is very much like a real industry situation. A diverse mix of students work on developing a...
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