This web page, authored and curated by David P. Stern, provides instructions for building an electrophorus from common household items. This type of capacitor was invented by Volta and may have been used to amplify...
This experiment will help to illustrate creep in metals at room temperature. Step by step instructions are included for instructors to set up specimens to use in the demonstration.
This activity would be appropriate...
In this activity, students will refer to a graph of hydraulic measures of water for the state of Maine to gather and interpret statistics on precipitation, stream flow, depth to groundwater, and others; and examine an...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The class will create a material similar to silly putty using cross linking polymers. The...
This website, created by Lindsay Marie Bartolone at Princeton University, gives astronomy teachers labs and activities for their students that meet the requirements of the Core Curriculum Content Standards of the State...
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