The Health Tools portion of the AARP website addresses questions about Medicare, drug interactions, and where to find cheaper medicines. There is even a "Doughnut Hole Calculator" for those visitors with Medicare Part D...
The abacus has been around for several thousand years, and it is an efficient and interesting counting machine. The standard abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, along with...
Created by Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this is an object lesson on AC current flow. This is a nice brief introduction to this specific topic. Its employment of Flash allows useful...
Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center has created this object learning activity on AC voltage conversions. This is a nice introduction for those interested in this basic topic.
Academic Earth provides videos of lectures by top scholars in "Subjects" that range from Astronomy to Entrepreneurship to Religion, from "Universities" as celebrated as MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, and Stanford. Visitors...
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