In this activity, students construct a magnetometer from a magnet and a spring balance and use it to locate buried objects in a tray. The activity will reinforce the idea that local fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field...
A very small and generic introduction to the subject of nanotechnology. What makes nanoscience special? What is the history of nano? What can nanotechnology be used for by scientist and industry? What are the ethical and...
Optimization has roots in operations research, and this collection of tutorials from IFORS Educational Research Committee covers many topics within OR. A fun applet requires the user to place as many queens on a chess...
This online resource is intended to help students understand concepts from probability and statistics and covers many topics from introductory to advanced. You can follow the progression of the text, or you can click on...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) offers a host of earthquake information, but this portion of their website focuses on the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, which was not only the worst in United States...
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