This site summarizes the current methodology in active and collaborative learning in the classroom. Written for faculty members in all disciplines, it begins with basic definitions and then provides twenty-nine...
This collection of student activities contains problems dealing with waves and oscillations. Specific topics include masses on springs, pendulums, sound, and waves on a string. The activities include pictures and...
This activity introduces two different representations of spectra: the photographic representation, such as the rainbow, and the graphical representation used more often by astronomers. A rainbow is often given as an...
The analysis of paint helps establish authenticity or works of art. This laboratory experiment, still under development at the time of this report, helps students put measurements in context. The linked discussion forum...
A unit on nutrition, with charts that tell why one eats as well as what one should eat. Each class of food has a definite function; over fifty nutrients are needed for good health and they have been divided into six...
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