This is a web page produced by American Microsemiconductor, Inc. of Madison, New Jersey, a firm that specializes in obsolete and discontinued diodes, integrated circuits, transistors, SCRs, triacs, diacs and memories....
This description is from the introduction paragraph of the article. The article talks of convergence and a pratical technology produced by this technology. "You might have come across the acronym NBIC, which stands for...
Dr. Peter Scholle, a professor of geology at New Mexico Tech, oversees this site showcasing the geology of the Permian reefs of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. The Salado Formation, part of this sequence, has...
BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology have the potential to make significant impact in a wide range of fields and applications. This lecture series introduces the basic concepts and topics underlying the interdisciplinary areas...
Created by Edward Kluk of Dickinson State University, this web site provides course materials for an introductory mechanics class. Topics covered include: kinematics, forces, energy, and momentum. Each page features a...
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