This applet is a probabilistic study of picking prizes from an unlimited supply of cereal boxes. The applet helps to answer how many boxes of cereal need to be purchased to have a 50/50 chance of getting all the prizes....
A website examining the history, navigation, and landfall of Christopher Columbus. Access information on celestial navigation, dead reckoning, Columbus' ships, his crew, and much more. Controversial topics are also...
The ComPADRE Digital Library is a group of online free collections serving faculty, students and teachers in physics and astronomy. The collections are divided by audience (students, teachers, or faculty) and each...
This site gives an explanation, a definition of, and an example using comparison of two means. Topics include confidence intervals and significance tests, z and t statistics, and pooled t procedures. Overall, this is a...
This is a short study guide from the University of Maryland's Physics Education Research Group on introducing, interpreting, and using complex numbers. Mathematical equations are included to help students understand the...
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