This free chemistry textbook from Boundless Learning is based off openly available educational resources such as "government resources, open educational repositories, and other openly licensed websites." The textbook...
This reference sheet, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network provides a valuable chemistry reference sheet for high school students. Definition of terms, diagrams, abbreviations, mathematical...
The American Chemical Society discusses how chemists are celebrating Earth Day this year. Users can learn how to take part in the 2004 Unifying Event - Testing the pH of Rain Water. Kindergarten through twelfth graders...
The eighth chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course created by the faculty at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Lecture notes are provided and links for additional reading and exercises with...
This site, created by the Department of Statistics at Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of chi-square goodness of fit test. Topics include chi-square test statistics, tests for discrete...
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