This applet demonstrates the partitioning of sums of squares in analysis of variance (ANOVA). It includes some sample values and allows the user to make adjustments, which then shows the new values in the ANOVA table. ...
Many faculty members of Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences have created digital educational resources for their students. In the interest of sharing these excellent resources, the Open Educational...
From MIT's extraordinary OpenCourseWare projects comes this computer science course focused on operating system engineering. Taught by Frans Kaashoek in the Fall of 2006, this course covers "virtual memory, kernel and...
Stanford's Computer Science department presents this course on operating systems taught by David Mazières in Winter of 2009. The course covers concurrency, synchronization, scheduling, linking, virtual memory, memory...
In this interactive learning activity from Wisc-Online, students will learn basic math operations using zero, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
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