This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives a definition and an example of numerical summaries. Topics include: mean, median, quantiles, variance, and standard deviation. While brief, the site is...
Unit from Smithsonian multidisciplinary ocean curriculum. Focuses on sources of oil pollution and effects on ocean, marine life and humans. Students predict impacts of an oil spill and plan actions needed to protect and...
Unit from Smithsonian multidisciplinary ocean curriculum. Lesson plan focuses on how dynamic coastlines, oceanographic conditions and human activities affect marine animals such as cetaceans, pinnipeds and sea turtles....
The mission of the Oklahoma Forestry Services (OFS) is "to conserve, enhance and protect the forest resources of Oklahoma for present and future generations." As part of this mission the OFS website contains information...
An on-line electronic textbook, specifically for A level courses from AQA, OCR, Edexcel. Suitable for many American university undergraduate courses. 5,700 pages of text and questions. All questions have worked...
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