This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives a definition and an example of normal distributions. Topics include assessing normality and normal probability plots. The author thoughtfully combines her...
A web portal to real-time, GIS-based coastal observations and NOAA forecasts. Select location and specify: meteorology, oceanography, river, water quality or other observations; tidal predictions, weather or ocean...
This site, created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provides the available courses in the Nuclear Science and Engineering department. Research and education in nuclear science and engineering first began at...
This site includes materials on a variety of topics relating to general number theory. Each link provides a short example that would provide helpful supplemental materials in mathematics education. The lessons vary from...
Free online SAT, ACT, and GRE test preparation courses. Register for tutorials and practice sessions that dynamically adapt to performance, providing customized feedback for every response and monitoring overall student...
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