Created by David P. Stern this site consists of algebra-based material at the high-school level, oriented towards astronomy and spaceflight, which explores Newton's Laws and their application. Concepts are stressed such...
This site provides an entry-level introduction to NMR in a text and figures format. The site also contains example structure elucidation problems using NMR, IR and MS data complete with hints and answers. Although the...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been documenting the field mission of its ship, the Lophelia II, since 2001. In the fall of 2010, the Lophelia II went to cruise around the Gulf of Mexico...
Provides services and information for coral reef researchers and the public. Site FAQs cover technical background on coral reef biology, ecology, biodiversity, and coral diseases. Other resources: coral literature...
This nice site from NOAA starts with a bold statement: "Big fish eat little fish; that's how the food cycle works." It's a fitting introduction to this exploration of aquatic food webs. Offered as part of NOAA's main...
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