This hands-on activity is appropriate for a lab or discussion section for an introductory statistics class, with 8 to 40 students. Each student performs a binomial experiment and computes a confidence interval for the...
Teaching college mathematics can be a daunting task, indeed. It's nice for seasoned professionals and others to have a solid primer on the subject and this guide from Professor Suzanne Kelton is quite useful. The 54-page...
This labware module contains directions for seven experiments in analytical electrochemistry. The experiments are designed to illustrate fundamentals of electrode reactions as applied to readily accessible redox...
The Analytical Sciences Digital Library (ASDL) provides a collection of peer-reviewed web-based educational resources related to technical resources in the analytical sciences. Materials include articles, labware,...
In this activity, presented by the Lane Community College MAPS GIS Program, students "are led through a series of steps to describe spatial patterns of various data layers representing ancestry." Students will examine...
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