Created by authors Betty Mayfield and John Michel of the Connected Curriculum Project (CCP), the purpose of this module is to learn the basics of MATLAB 5 for use with the engineering mathematics modules.
This site, created by the Department of Statistics at Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of mean and variance of random variables. Definitions and properties are also included. Overall,...
Created by Alan Heckert and James Filliben, this part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Engineering Statistics handbook contains case studies for the measurement process chapter. More...
This site contains a broad overview of the mechanical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is one of the broadest and most versatile of the engineering professions. The site features...
A unit that explains what ultrasound is, how it is produced, and why it is useful in medical imaging. A section on mathematics includes: defining, illustrating and using the following wave characteristics — frequency,...
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