This site contains introductory material in basic electrochemistry. Topics include galvanic cells, electrodes, cell potentials and thermodynamics, Nernst, batteries and fuel cells. The material is also available as a PDF...
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) serves as "the national voice for America's baccalaureate and higher-degree nursing education programs." As part of their work they are engaged in advocacy programs...
The Panama Canal was quite an undertaking of labor and engineering, and by the time it was completed on August 15th, 1914 the project had been underway (in some form) for well over two decades. Along the way, over 55,000...
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) was founded in 1888 in order to further mathematical research and scholarship. Since that time, they have embarked on a number of outreach programs designed to educate the public...
The United States gets over half of its electricity from burning coal, and this tremendously important resource remains one of the nation's greatest assets. However, it is not an asset without problems, as the burning of...
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