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The goal of Math Bits is to offer "fun, yet challenging, lessons and activities." The site was created by two mathematics educators intent on increasing the love of math. The resources provided here are divided into more...
Math Central is maintained by the math and education departments at the Canadian University of Regina. Possibly the most valuable section of the site is the Resource Room, which has an impressive database that is...
Located in Menomonie, Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Stout is part of the state’s vast university system. They take the success of each student seriously there, and one place that this happens is at their Math...
"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater." Einstein, Albert (1879-1955). If you are not Einstein, or are actually having difficulties with mathematics, let this website...
This site includes a number of mathematical lessons that help to illustrate historical math concepts. Each link provides a short example that would provide helpful supplemental materials in mathematics education. The...
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