This course provides an introductory algebra course. Topics include groups, vector spaces, linear transformations, symmetry groups, bilinear forms, and linear groups. The materials include lecture notes, exams and...
This series of videos contains 180 Worked Algebra I examples (problems written by the Monterey Institute of Technology and Education). You should look at the "Algebra" playlist if you've never seen algebra before or if...
This free algebra textbook from Boundless Learning is based off openly available educational resources such as "government resources, open educational repositories, and other openly licensed websites." The textbook...
This webquest introduces students to the processes of star and planet formation and the search for life on other worlds. Materials include slide shows with written narrative that explain the birth and life cycles of...
This website, presented by All About Circuits.com, is the forth installment in their series of information regarding circuitry. The page is broken down into sixteen different chapters which are: numeration systems,...
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