Created by Alan Heckert and James Filliben, this part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Engineering Statistics handbook describes different graphs and plots used in exploratory data analysis....
This page, created by the Department of Biology at Colby College, is a guide to writing and using statistics in the field of science. It is aimed at biology students. It contains information on formatting and the use of...
As photographer Bruce Marlin explains, "Cirrus Digital Imaging was founded primarily as a hobby, as a way to share the joy I find in the amazing flora and fauna the natural world provides us." Visitors to this Web site...
This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives a definition and an example of histograms. It discusses different types of histograms, such as continuous or discrete. Additionally, Lacey shows how these...
This activity has two major goals: (1) to give students experience with a variety of histograms of data, and (2) to help them better recognize different shapes and characteristics. Too often students only see one or two...
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