Since the days of Andreas Vesalius, humans have been fascinated with describing and accurately depicting various parts of the body in all of their intimate detail. In recent years, a number of enterprising souls have...
In this activity, students use laboratory equipment to construct a working simulation of a geyser. When the water is heated to its boiling point, the 'geyser' erupts, spewing its contents, and the cycle starts again....
This site from Venkatesh Merwade of Purdue university offers tutorials relating to GIS and water resources modeling. Topic areas covered are hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, GIS and hydrologic modeling and downloading...
Campbell Harvey, Professor of International Business in the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, has created this web site as a supplement to his course in Global Financial Management. The course introduces...
There's no time like the present to learn about global strategy and organization, and such edification is possible via this nice set of resources offered courtesy of MIT's OpenCourseWare initiative. This particular...
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