Based at the University of California at San Diego, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography has created the Explorations site to educate the public about their projects and research. On their website, visitors will find...
Created by Alan Heckert and James Filliben, this chapter of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Engineering Statistics handbook describes exploratory data analysis. It contains an introduction, a...
This visually arresting website is part of a multimedia exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston, which aims to "use molecular illustration and animation to help describe origins of life research and theories to broad...
Nanotechnology is an area of science and engineering that occurs at the atomic and molecular level. This is certainly a difficult concept to grasp. This website, presented by The National Infrastructure Network,...
The Yellowstone collection contains an assortment of digital resources relevant to the geology, geophysics, physiography, hydrology, biota and human impacts in Yellowstone National Park. Materials include a variety of...
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