This unit provides an introduction for younger students on earthquakes, volcanoes, and how they are related. Topics include evidence of continental drift, types of plate boundaries, types of seismic waves, and how to...
This bulletin provides information on the recent eruptive activity of Augustine Volcano in Alaska. Topics include some history of the volcano, its geologic setting as part of the Aleutian island arc, and earthquake...
This bulletin discusses the magnitude 7.9 earthquake that shook the islands of Tonga in May 2006. Topics include the tectonic setting of the islands, at the boundary of the Pacific and Australian plates, the frequent...
This course introduces the basic tools of game theoretic analysis and outlines some of the many applications of game theory with extensive lecture notes, slides, assignments, and exams with solutions. Game Theory is a...
Professor Daniel J. Jacob of Harvard University has compiled this very fine set of educational materials that deal with various aspects of atmospheric chemistry. He draws these resources from his own teaching experience,...
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