The ComPADRE Digital Library is a group of online free collections serving faculty, students and teachers in physics and astronomy. The collections are divided by audience (students, teachers, or faculty) and each...
This course, presented by MIT and taught by professor Gilbert Strang, provides a review of linear algebra. Topics include differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace's equation and potential flow; boundary-value...
New physics teaching resource sites continue to pop up every day, and this one from the University of Minnesota's Physics Education Research Group is a good find. The site is divided into two areas, one covering...
In this activity, students will be introduced to the concept of mineral stoichiometrics (ratios of atoms in a compound) by performing a chemical reaction between copper and sulfur, which can result in either covellite...
At Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve visitors can explore cinder cones, lava tubes, lava flows, and other volcanic features. Craters of the Moon is run by the National Park Service and offers a variety...
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