This case study helps students examine a variety of health symptoms displayed in a patient in order to make a diagnosis. The material would be most useful to students in an undergraduate anatomy and physiology class,...
The Physics Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides A Walk Through Time, a site devoted to examining the question of how humans have measured time throughout history. In one...
A civil engineering professor at the University of California at Berkeley is working on a novel way of maintaining a building's structural stability after an earthquake or terrorist bomb. The team of researchers working...
This case study provides an introduction to HIV, including the life cycle of the disease, its treatment, and problems associated with different treatment options. The case would be useful in an upper level high school or...
A unit on nutrition, with charts that tell why one eats as well as what one should eat. Each class of food has a definite function; over fifty nutrients are needed for good health and they have been divided into six...
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