Lecturer Kimberly Strong of the University of Toronto has posted these pages giving course notes, problem sets, and solutions (.pdf). The problem sets are printer-ready. The course deals with topics such as satellite...
This toolkit for educators of all levels and communities about sustainable development was developed by Rosalyn McKeown. This is the second version of the resource, completed in 2002, and is based on "the idea that...
eFluids is a collaborative site that seeks to serve as a “one-stop information resource for anyone working in the areas of flow engineering, fluid mechanics research, education and directly related topics.” The site...
Electric Drive Transportation Assocation represents the interest of those involved in the development, production and use of battery, hybrid and fuel cell electric drive technologies. The EDTA serves as the central...
West Virginia University has prepared this informative website on Engine and Emissions Research. Students and Teachers can learn about mechanical and aerospace engineering through illuminating paragraph explanations,...
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