A study guide for basic math courses, titled "How to Survive Your College Math Class (and Take Home Something of Value)," includes sections on study skills, reading and understanding mathematics (featuring "An Equation...
This site from BarcodesInc gives a helpful overview of what Cryptography is and supplies a number of links to other sites dealing with various issues in cryptography, such as Public Key encryption, Applied Cryptography...
From the Commonwealth of Australia Bureau of Meteorology comes the Students and Teachers: Curriculum Materials Web site. Educators will find more than twenty activities and lesson plans related to weather with titles...
This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture support on the concept of shifting baselines and its application to marine fisheries. Shifting baselines are defined and their contribution to...
On this site, New York University Department of Chemistry presents its various research interests including Chemical Biology, Biomolecular and Biophysical Chemistry, and Biomedical Chemistry. In each section, visitors...
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