This diverse collection of refreshers, how-tos, and research guides, while geared for computer science (CS) students, also has a few resources that are useful for anyone. A quick review of mathematical concepts and...
This Web site serves as a collection of seminal research papers that "every serious student of computer security should read." Mostly from the 1970's but also stretching into the '80s, the papers were first collectively...
The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI), a non-profit organization founded in 1997, is active in three primary areas related to conservation biology - applied research, education, and professional services. Through its...
CITES is an international agreement between Governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Information includes a species data base.
The Copepod Web Portal, from the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of L'Aquila in Italy, provides a comprehensive and nicely designed set of online resources for those interested in this "largest and...
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