This site contains introductory material in basic electrochemistry. Topics include galvanic cells, electrodes, cell potentials and thermodynamics, Nernst, batteries and fuel cells. The material is also available as a PDF...
The chemistry education resources that the American Chemical Society has placed on its website are quite impressive, and are a must see for teachers, motivated students, and even parents. Visitors will find "Classroom...
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) was founded in 1888 in order to further mathematical research and scholarship. Since that time, they have embarked on a number of outreach programs designed to educate the public...
Created by Tony R. Kuphaldt, this chapter of All About Circuit's third volume on Semiconductors describes amplifiers and active devices. The chapter is divided into seven sections: From electric to electronic, Active...
Written by Leo Moser and presented by the Trillia Group, this virtual text introduces visitors to the theory of numbers. After agreeing to the terms and conditions of use, users will be able to download the full...
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