Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry is a nicely designed companion website to Dr. Rodney Boyer's _Concepts in Biochemistry, second edition_. Developed collaboratively by Science Technologies and others, this multimedia...
This "Course-in-a-Box" from Bio-Link is a good starting point for instructors to develop a course on how to maintain mammalian cells in culture. Students will learn "basic techniques of routine cell culture using common...
An interactive site with exercises and basic information covering K-12 arithmetic, fractions, integers, decimals, algebra, geometry and statistics. Also: practical math: converters for currency, temperature, distance,...
This page from the Support Center for Microsystems Education covers an overview of Micropumps. Viewers will find both an Instructor and a Student Guide which contain information on micropumps, macropumps, the differences...
This outstanding collection of online mathematical utilities allows users to perform fairly complex computations based upon calculus, linear algebra, quadratic programming, and trigonometry. Each utility is presented its...
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