Hosted by Boston University, this website presents Geography Professor Ranga B. Myneni's Climate and Vegetation Research Group. The website links to publications about various research projects in the areas of Climate...
The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) has compiled a collection of mathematics resources related to various subjects and disciplines. “Math Across the Community College Curriculum” is the...
This course, presented by MIT and taught by Daniel Kleitman, provides undergraduate level calculus instruction. The materials include a set of interactive Java applets, a glossary of calculus terminology and full lecture...
Entirely different and exotic machining techniques are required for creating microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and other extremely small devices. The Caltech Micromachining Laboratory maintains this archive of...
GeoTech Center presents a series of model courses on GIS, spatial technologies, and related subjects. This capstone course results "in a consolidation of a student's educational experience and certifies mastery of entry...
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